Thursday, October 9, 2008

Crazy Sock Day

So, as part of red ribbon week, today was CRAZY SOCK DAY. To, you know, sock it to drugs. I took my camera (which I found in my closet, btw) and took some picture for your odd yet somewhat enjoyable entertainment.

Those are my socks of doom. Reminds some of the Wicked Witch of The East. But really, I'm just showing off my Murray Pride.

That's Kylee. Eating a doughnut. Woo. It looked yummy.

There is Jeana, from above! You can KINDA see her crazy socks.

There is Kayla dearest. Ain't it lovely?

And our dear Analee. Pretty as can be. ^^

So as far as crazy socks go, my day was full. Full of the joy that colorful socks bring us. Don't you just feel warm and fuzzy when you see those vibrant colors? Anywho, moving on. So we have this door competition, you see. And so I, being in Trotter's class, went full out with them. I totally have pictures for you to check out.

So these are the AMAZING curtains that I made all by myself. I am very very proud of myself. All it took was scissors, paper and rubber cement. Who knew I could be so creative?

The mastermind, Mrs. Trotter. My lovely and wondrous French teacher. I was talking to her the other day and I found out somethings about her. She has 3 children (I think) and is divorced. I always wondered why she never spoke of her husband. Something else that happened to day was that Trotter wore pants! That is like, totally epic. She NEVER wears pants. Always skirts. ALWAYS. So it was a little freaky and odd.

This is our phantom. DUN DUN DUN!! Kudos to anyone who knows what actor's cardboard cut out that is.

The door completed. Alashtay and Rachel were the one who drew the people. The 3 of us were on the artistic door commitee.

The phantom and I! Aren't we adorable? I think he likes me....

So...that was fun. We had everything decked out. Lots and lots and lots of just crazy things. it was hectic. I was not happy with people walking over everything Alashtay, Rachel and I were doing. It was enraging, I tell you! Over and over they walk over my things, it was HORRIBLE!! Moving on, we had more to our decked out door. There was a chandelier, papers hung up...but let me show you...

Vola! A chandeler! See the rat? that is the Phantom of Ratness. I think it's cute, really. Almost as cute as HIM. *sigh* Yes, the him who I texted and like and am with and such...but I shant say anything else!

The papers of doom. And I quote "Don't mask your addictions! Get help!"

Put it together and what do you get?

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!

Funny thing about our fog machine... it kinda sorta set off the fire alarm. That's right folks! An over abundance of sevies pushing the "fog" button WILL creating another smoke to set off the fire alarm! Who would've thunk? If it wasn't for that, we would've won, for sure! We got 3rd. Hey! Not our fault the fire alarm is stupid!

Ok, so now I'm ALMOST done with this entry. phew, this is taking forever. I have an overabundance of pictures. YAY! Anywho, I went to the shafers to ask about a movie and they let me eat roasted marshmellows! It rocked my crazy socks.

Eat you veggies!


1 comment:

Quetou said...

Lol the phantoms mask isn't put on straight