Friday, October 17, 2008


Today was a boring day. You see, we went to the cabin and worked. And then we rested and worked some more. And then we went on a 4-wheeler ride and got really really muddy. Well, I didn't, the 4 wheeler did. I put my feet up, therefore avoiding the mud. But that is beside the point. We rode home aaaaaaaaand broke down! Yay!

And now we are here and you are there and I'm not sure why you are reading this. Those are random pictures of me, there to the side. I do enjoy using my mothers webcam. It is very very nice. Very nice.

Anywho, I'm not sure what else to say. My title is odd, yes? Very sutle and almost... unenthusiastic. If that's what you got from it, then you would be correct! Odd and wonderfull interesting!

I spelt wonderful wrong.


(PS I am SO stoked for the dance! HE is going to be there, as I said before. He has such a nice nose... Hmm ♥)

(PPS I promise to take my camera along.)

1 comment:

Quetou said...

Teagan? Why do you think he has a nice nose? I know him but I've never said he has a nice nose... That's a lil freaky you think his nose is the cutesy thing about him, no offense to him or you!