Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ohmigoodness, PLUSHIES!!

So, recently (just tonight) I read this amazing tutorial on, you guess it, plushie making. It was so simple that even I, YES, even I TEAGAN CLARK WHO CAN'T SEW VERY WELL could do it. Isn't that so shocking? it really is shocking, I know, but I think it would be a whole lot of fun making plushies for people I know and love. I need some felt and some free time. Yes. That'll do!

I need to re-do my want list. I've thought of more and more things so I'll just write down a list when I get bored in class and type it up. Then it won't be such a lame excuse for a want list.

Anywho, I'll start with something simple, like making a plushie of my totally adorable friend, Aysha. All I need is a reference picture!! (If I could only get that T.T) And then hot glue and cut and sew and stuff and such. Oooo, this will be sooooo fun! (Geddit? Sew fun? LOL!)

Afterwards, I'll try more difficult stuff. Making favorite characters for my friends.

Mattie: Grell
Aysha: Sora
Shelly: Roxas
Jeannette: Sailor Moon
Me: Maybe Morii or Honey or Nekozawa and Other adorable creatures!

You know how it is. I can be... whimisicle. A lot of the time I take up a hobby just for the fun of it. Oooo, maybe I should do this instead for my English Report instead of palm reading! Oh, decisions, decisions! Why must decisions be so difficult? *slam head on key bored* uyhj! uyhj!! nuyhjn!!!

I'd like to do something cool though. Lol, picture Mr. Wood as a plushie... xD


Sunday, November 1, 2009

I am a Terribly Selfish Person

Am I terrible and selfish if I post a list of things I want? There has been so many things I've been thinking of for a while now and it just seems proper if I let people know. Just in case, you know?

I might as well start with CD's:
ANY Musical
ANYTHING Harry Potter Related
Classical, lots and lots of classical

I also need/want a big CD organizer thing. Then everything would be totally hunky dory.

Guinea Pig Stuff:
Bird Toys
Hideys and stuff like that
Hay (I always need hay. It HAS to be Oxbow, though. No exceptions.)
A hand vacuum (to vacuum up poos)

It is Patches birthday soon and she would like things. I know I've thought of more things than this, so maybe I'll add to the list soon. My own birthday and Christmas is coming sooner than we may like to think, so I just like to be on top of things.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Whole New World

Ah, sorry about that. things happen, you know. Life happens.

So, I made a new video. You should all check it out!

So, the question came to me when I made this video was: Which piggy to use? Of course, I the both of them, but I could only use one for this video. So which to choose?

Obviously, I chose Patches. The main reason for that, was that Patches doesn't wriggle as much as Kendle and wriggling would have given the video a bad image. Plus, Patches has a more intricate coat.

I ENTREAT you to watch it and please comment and even subscribe to my channel! Speaking of my channel, I need a logo for Treetopfruit Productions. I love acting SOO much and I want to get myself out there but I dunno how to do it. Any suggestions? Who knows, I could be the next YouTube star!

However, I doubt it.

¼/ Teagan

Monday, September 7, 2009


I am a natural listener and some how, people can sense that. People come to me and let out everything and I sit and I listen and I give my honest response. But being a listener can be hard. Sometimes.... sometimes you wish someone would listen to you.

It's not like I have much to say right now. School is going great and everyone is fine. Sometimes, I think it is necessary for one person to go into withdrawal for a while. Think things over. The only problem with this is people will wonder what is wrong. I'm generally very talkative and friendly and if I stop, people will wonder what is up....

╕/ Teagan

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random Guinea Pig Video

Sooooo, some of my GP friends told me to make up a video of them. So I did. Here it is in all its...glory... I think.


Monday, August 17, 2009

New Piggers!

Meet Patch and Kendle! They are the new additions to our family!

When I first met Patch, she was squeaking as loud as possible! She was quite the opinionated young lady! When I held her see seemed quite friends and I loved her! Her coloring is dalmatian and her breed is American. I'd put her at about... 9 months old. Birth date I'm going to say is... November 14th!

When I first met Kendle, she was very cuddly. Kind of shy, not very rambunctious at all. Sweet. Scared out of her mind... Anywho, she is quite friendly also and her breed is also american! She is about 6 months old and her birthday is Febuary 22nd!

I can't wait to hang out with my new pals! Once their settled in, of course...

τ/ Teagan

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bella the Brave

I know I have been posting anything and I'm sorry about that. I forget too easily. Very easily. But now seems like a good time to post.

I got my very first guinea pig 26... now 27 days ago. I obsessed over her. I build her a nice roomy cage so that she could run around and have a good time. I did everything to ensure that she was happy and healthy. EVERYTHING.

And now she is gone. Gone for good. I'm in such shock that I can't even think about it without crying.

She was killed by our dog. I blame no one, and the person I blame the most is myself. I should have done more to protect her, I should have put Toby outside before I left...

I was in Steph's treehouse, chatting when I got the feeling I should go home. Nothing felt right, because it was Sunday and hanging out with friends is not what you do on Sunday. Maybe if I had heeded it sooner, she would still be alive.

The cage that I worked so hard to create was destroyed, with bite marks on the chloroplast corner where I found her.

We buried her by the chicken coop, in a shoebox. I but in a carrot and a basil leaf in. She loved basil, Basil and Bellpeppers...

I said the prayer and added the first dirt. Saying guinea pig heaven pronounced a giggle from Kevin. Guinea pig is a funny word and I smiled when I said it.

She frolicking in fields of grass, with lots of friends. She isn't lonely.

But I miss her so much and now.... Now I'm the lonely one.

™/Teagan Clark

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Worst Day

So, today has kind of sucked majorly and so I am going to tell you ALL about it. Aren't you lucky? Things were just... it was just little things, you know? A computer shutting down right before you finish an unsaved paper, not getting to act, being bored, sitting on the floor, the kid sitting next to you is breathing REALLY FREAKING LOUD! One of my pet peeves. It's not hard to breath silently. Believe me, I've done it.

Also, not being able to block in Lacrosse today. I felt so bad. My heart would drop as the ball zipped passed me. I hate that feeling. Hate hate hate. And then people told me to shut up! So I sang louder! HA! TAKE THAT JERKS!

♠ - Teagan

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Random Thought

So, as I was standing there, guarding the lacrosse goal with my life, a wondrous smell came wafting through out field... FRIES! Glorious, magnificent FRIES! Oh how awesome a smell is that.

It distracted me for a moment and I thought "Yes. Let's have them put fast food places by a P.E. field so that it can entice hungry players!" It really was a lovely smell though.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

A New Video?! Can it Be?!

I know, I know, you're SO thrilled. After a long time of editing, here it is. From the folds of my mind, I bring you- THE VIDEO! My mom laughed. She enjoyed it. It was special.

Just click the link. Check out my other videos too! I'm ALL about promoting myself!

Anyways, how about a story while we're waiting for this to upload?

So, yesterday I was TOTALLY craving Chik Fil A. As many of you know, the closet Chik Fil A is in the mall. So, I convinced Kevin to take me.

In my pocket were two bills. A 20$ bill and a 1$ bill. So the guy is like, "That'll be $7.36" (or something like that) So I pull out a bill and hand it to him. He looks at it and is like "Um..." It took me a moment to realize that I had pulled out the one and not the twenty! I laughed about it. It was a humorus situation. How would you like to ask for 7 dollars and get a one dollar bill?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha



Monday, March 23, 2009

The End

So, Now the play is done. Over. FINISHED. And it's weird. It is SO weird. I'm at home and I will be for a while... It's so odd. So much time.

But it's nice.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Yes, yes, I know, you've been chatting at me to update and update some more, and yet I have not because, well... I just haven't. It's March. The last post was in December. I'm going to blame the lack of posting on the cold weather and lack of sleep. Now it's warmer, but I'm still feeling sluggish.

Anywho, for those of you who actually enjoy reading about my life and/or are bored, here is my update of my life.

Mulan is coming to a close. It has been a long long long 3 months of work, but I think we're going to pull it off. I was originally going to do the music and such, but then I was sick for a week, so Austin Woodall was going to do it, and I got demoted to spotlight (which isn't bad at all, because I get more of a break than I would when doing the music) HOWEVER, something epic has occured. Neither Austin or Deven were at the Saturday rehersal, so I was in doing the music instead, right? After the run throughs, Ms. Loveless was talking to Josilynn(sp?) and I. She said that I ran the music much faster and better than Austin, and since he wasn't there that day, she was thinking about having him just do the mics, and putting me on offical music duty, but ONLY if Flossy felt comfortable with the spotlight. My day has come at last.

In other news, I am preparing for an audition on Tuesday. It will be performed in summer and I am very nervous! Right now, I'm just waiting for Aubrey Bolton to call, because I'm getting headshots done. Should be fun! I need to work on my monolongue some more, but it's coming well. I just need to write my resume and practice the song I plan to sing several more times...

Anyways, that's my update.