Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forever and a day

I know. It's been... I don't even know. But I guess if you want a slight Teagan update, here it is.

I've had a slight cough for a long while now. Thank heavens it's going away! Because it's really started to get irritating.

Harry Freaking Potter is coming out in 7 DAYS!! Who couldn't love that?!?! I'm so so so so so excited!! I'm just mostly nervous and sad that it's all going to be over soon... but that's what the picture is for.

I'm planning on having a huge Harry Potter Party on the 14th, so if you're reading this YOU'RE INVITED!! :D :D

Til then,

1 comment:

Alex Christopher Clawson said...

And, if you're wondering, it's five months ;) You have some catching up to do, missy xD

And, I totally plan on coming to THE EPIC HARRY POTTER PARTY but... I will be rather muggle-ish, due to the fact that I lack sufficient wizarding uniforms...or a wand.