Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Teagan's Life (IN SONG!)

Here are a few songs that are my... theme's, may I say. Theme's of life. Songs that remind me of love or friends. I'm sure there are more that should be added to this list BUT, here are my things for now.

Senior Year:
No One is Alone

Can I just say that Bernadette Peters is one of my idols? I want to be her. Seriously, out of a lot of famous people, I would ask her for advice. In acting, in hair... I just... Uh, LOVE.

ANY WHO. Onto my next subject.

Miss Murray:
Razzle Dazzle

LOL. But really.

And then there is...
Part of Your World
I'm Not That Girl

I know, I know, pretty depressing, actually... I'm hope for a solution that is something like these:


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Inside Joke Parody?!

So, basically, I'm a boss when it comes to making awesome videos, and decided to grace you mortals with another stroke of brilliance.

Lol, ok, not really. BUT. I did work hard on it, so you should watch it all the same, even if you're not in it and don't get any of the jokes.

At least Alex should watch it :/

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Pioneer Day! (Sorta)

Happy 24th everyone!

Only it's the 25th... But hey, Utah, celebrate it on Monday, am I right?

So today we went to the parade downtown, and we were just dropped off (Mom and I and Averee) when Mother discovered her phone was dead and I hadn't brought mine because no one had text me for several days now. So we were stuck.

BUT LUCKILY, we met the nicest Taco Time manager EVER in the history of ever who not only let us use the phone, but gave us ice water, candy, and a free package of chips covered in cinnamon and sugar.

So seriously, if you are ever downtown and have the hankering for a cheap taco, go to the Taco Time on State Street and 8th South.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Vacancy Blog Scholarship

So, here's a shocker. I need money for college.

FACT: Theatre students in general are broke
FACT: I'm a theatre student

Are you understanding what I'm getting at? So I'm surfing about the internet when WHAM! "Easy Money for College" Duh, who doesn't want that? And all I have to do is find my ideal apartment on this AWESOME site called Vacancy and write an entertaining post about why it's ideal.

So I searched threw a few and found some cheap ones, and some not so cheap ones, and found one I liked. Pinetree Condominiums. Now, don't get scared by the big word, this place really does look cool!

Point #1: Shared Bedrooms
Sure, privacy is cool, but late night girl talks are even cooler! College wouldn't be college without the occasional rent fight or stolen left overs, right? I wouldn't want to miss that experience for the world!
Point #2: Releasing Creativity
Look at those walls. Now back to me. Now back to those walls. Now back to me. Sadly, those walls aren't me but the potential for them to be infused with my creativity is ginormous! Sad and bare now, but covered with love notes from hot boys? I say yes! (A girl can dream!) Not only that, but that desk totally looks like it could be filled with stuffed toys and trinkets.

Point #3: Internet
Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet!!
Oh how I do love the internet! And this is probably #1 ideality on my list on idealities. I need the internet. I don't want to go to McDonald's every day to use the internet, or worse, get my own router (ICK) SOOOOO, Internet takes the cake! I don't care if your rent is over $800's! My dearest web connection is worth it!

Now, doesn't that just seem like home sweet home to you? Pinetree Condominums... How you make my heart flutter.

Until next time, my dearest readers,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So Far Away

You know what I really really miss? Theatre. I miss it so much right now.

When something is such a big part of your life and then it's not there for a whole SEASON. It sucks royal hippogriff.

SPEAKING OF HIPPOFGRIFFS: My party was awesome, and you weren't there. Well, if your reading this and your Alex or my mother, you were there. BUT OTHER THAN THAT YOU TOTALLY MISSED OUT!

Seriously. We had potions, herebology, transfiguration and charms lessons. We had a magic fountain of chocolate. Don't forget the BUTTERBEER aaaaaaannd we played some rioting games of quidditch (of which Hufflepuff one every time) AND we just had a ton of Harry Potter fun!

If you thinking "Oh, I'm too old, I wasn't invited" Well, everyone in the world was invited and I certainly would have loved your company.

If you weren't there because you were "going to the movie early (ha ha, you should be jealous)" I'M CERTAINLY NOT JEALOUS. You are the one who should be jealous, because you missed out on the party of the century.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forever and a day

I know. It's been... I don't even know. But I guess if you want a slight Teagan update, here it is.

I've had a slight cough for a long while now. Thank heavens it's going away! Because it's really started to get irritating.

Harry Freaking Potter is coming out in 7 DAYS!! Who couldn't love that?!?! I'm so so so so so excited!! I'm just mostly nervous and sad that it's all going to be over soon... but that's what the picture is for.

I'm planning on having a huge Harry Potter Party on the 14th, so if you're reading this YOU'RE INVITED!! :D :D

Til then,

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Here's another one. Filmed on Jan. 3rd, 2011.