Monday, September 7, 2009


I am a natural listener and some how, people can sense that. People come to me and let out everything and I sit and I listen and I give my honest response. But being a listener can be hard. Sometimes.... sometimes you wish someone would listen to you.

It's not like I have much to say right now. School is going great and everyone is fine. Sometimes, I think it is necessary for one person to go into withdrawal for a while. Think things over. The only problem with this is people will wonder what is wrong. I'm generally very talkative and friendly and if I stop, people will wonder what is up....

╕/ Teagan

1 comment:

Alex Christopher Clawson said...

Withdrawl may be required for a person to grow, to allow them to understand others and themselves, but it is never fair, or even ethical, to bring that upon someone else.