Saturday, March 28, 2009

A New Video?! Can it Be?!

I know, I know, you're SO thrilled. After a long time of editing, here it is. From the folds of my mind, I bring you- THE VIDEO! My mom laughed. She enjoyed it. It was special.

Just click the link. Check out my other videos too! I'm ALL about promoting myself!

Anyways, how about a story while we're waiting for this to upload?

So, yesterday I was TOTALLY craving Chik Fil A. As many of you know, the closet Chik Fil A is in the mall. So, I convinced Kevin to take me.

In my pocket were two bills. A 20$ bill and a 1$ bill. So the guy is like, "That'll be $7.36" (or something like that) So I pull out a bill and hand it to him. He looks at it and is like "Um..." It took me a moment to realize that I had pulled out the one and not the twenty! I laughed about it. It was a humorus situation. How would you like to ask for 7 dollars and get a one dollar bill?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha



Monday, March 23, 2009

The End

So, Now the play is done. Over. FINISHED. And it's weird. It is SO weird. I'm at home and I will be for a while... It's so odd. So much time.

But it's nice.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Yes, yes, I know, you've been chatting at me to update and update some more, and yet I have not because, well... I just haven't. It's March. The last post was in December. I'm going to blame the lack of posting on the cold weather and lack of sleep. Now it's warmer, but I'm still feeling sluggish.

Anywho, for those of you who actually enjoy reading about my life and/or are bored, here is my update of my life.

Mulan is coming to a close. It has been a long long long 3 months of work, but I think we're going to pull it off. I was originally going to do the music and such, but then I was sick for a week, so Austin Woodall was going to do it, and I got demoted to spotlight (which isn't bad at all, because I get more of a break than I would when doing the music) HOWEVER, something epic has occured. Neither Austin or Deven were at the Saturday rehersal, so I was in doing the music instead, right? After the run throughs, Ms. Loveless was talking to Josilynn(sp?) and I. She said that I ran the music much faster and better than Austin, and since he wasn't there that day, she was thinking about having him just do the mics, and putting me on offical music duty, but ONLY if Flossy felt comfortable with the spotlight. My day has come at last.

In other news, I am preparing for an audition on Tuesday. It will be performed in summer and I am very nervous! Right now, I'm just waiting for Aubrey Bolton to call, because I'm getting headshots done. Should be fun! I need to work on my monolongue some more, but it's coming well. I just need to write my resume and practice the song I plan to sing several more times...

Anyways, that's my update.