Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3 Vlogs in 1?! CRAZY!!

I'm very good a filming my vlogs.

I'm very bad at posting them. I guess I will post in chronological order.

Dec. 17, 2010

Oh, let's film that right there. That's crazy.

Dec. 20, 2010

And I used this really high squeaky voice.

Dec. 21, 2010

Oooo! More footprints!

There. Watch me to your hearts content. I know I'm gorgeous. Though a comment would be nice once and a while...


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Steel Magnolia's

Today is the day I got to find out if I made the play or not!!

Did she or did she not?

*Note: I dunno what is with the sideways randomness. I was more concerned with the door.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A New Day, A New Page

So this was filmed a bit ago (try last week) and cuts off quite abruptly as the random girl behind me stared.

Oh! I'm in 3 broadway revue numbers(excluding opening and closing numbers): The Dentist, Timewarp, and Someday

To see the latest vlog, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Awkward. Most used word in my vlog. At least, in this video it is.



A Vlog?! WHAT?!

So, yeah, I thought that might be cool. If I'm lazy and don't want to type, might as well post a video for all to see.

You might notice a change in blog style as well. That's because it's late and I'm bored because the sheer awesomeness of a vlog takes a while to load. This is suppose to be posted on Dec 06, 2010, but since it's 10:30 I think I'll close my computer and try again later.

Hello. Me again. 5:00 today. Oh goodness. So, turns out my video is too big for this, so I'm turning to YouTube. Give me a moment.

Click here: