Monday, July 27, 2009

Bella the Brave

I know I have been posting anything and I'm sorry about that. I forget too easily. Very easily. But now seems like a good time to post.

I got my very first guinea pig 26... now 27 days ago. I obsessed over her. I build her a nice roomy cage so that she could run around and have a good time. I did everything to ensure that she was happy and healthy. EVERYTHING.

And now she is gone. Gone for good. I'm in such shock that I can't even think about it without crying.

She was killed by our dog. I blame no one, and the person I blame the most is myself. I should have done more to protect her, I should have put Toby outside before I left...

I was in Steph's treehouse, chatting when I got the feeling I should go home. Nothing felt right, because it was Sunday and hanging out with friends is not what you do on Sunday. Maybe if I had heeded it sooner, she would still be alive.

The cage that I worked so hard to create was destroyed, with bite marks on the chloroplast corner where I found her.

We buried her by the chicken coop, in a shoebox. I but in a carrot and a basil leaf in. She loved basil, Basil and Bellpeppers...

I said the prayer and added the first dirt. Saying guinea pig heaven pronounced a giggle from Kevin. Guinea pig is a funny word and I smiled when I said it.

She frolicking in fields of grass, with lots of friends. She isn't lonely.

But I miss her so much and now.... Now I'm the lonely one.

™/Teagan Clark